Feb 13, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog 
2019-2020 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Policies & Procedures

Student Code of Conduct

General Statement

Student disciplinary procedures are applicable to any student or student organization that is charged with a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. These procedures are designed to allow for fact-finding and decision-making in the context of an educational community and to encourage students to accept responsibility for their own actions. The intent is to provide adequate procedural safeguards to protect the rights of the individual student and the legitimate interests of the College. Additionally, all procedures are subject to applicable laws and regulations, and the April 24, 2011, “Dear Colleague Letter” guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. 

As a community of scholars, South Louisiana Community College is committed to providing an environment that values accountability, collaboration, excellence, innovation, respect, service, and trust. Such an environment is essential for fostering the intellectual growth and personal development of all students. All members of the College community share responsibility for maintaining conditions which support the College’s mission.

The community supports each member’s right to study and work in a quiet, respectful, non-violent atmosphere that is conducive to the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge. Students who voluntarily join this College Community assume the obligation of abiding by the standards commonly held by that community. Every student at South Louisiana Community College is, therefore, obligated to assume responsibility for his/her actions, to respect constituted authority, to be truthful, and to respect the rights of others, as well as to protect personal and public property.

The goal of the disciplinary system is to educate and discipline the individual as well as to protect the integrity and security of the South Louisiana College Community and its mission by serving as a deterrent.

The College discipline system recognizes that not all violations of local, State, and Federal law affect the interests of the College Community and the discipline system accepts jurisdiction in those instances where the College Community’s interest is substantially affected, regardless of whether the conduct in question occurs on or off-campus. The rules governing conduct may come under the jurisdiction of the legal system, but are typically and necessarily broader in coverage than statutes and ordinances.

South Louisiana Community College’s disciplinary system is not intended to be adversarial in nature and is substantially less formal than a court of law. The majority of cases, in which severe sanctions are not likely to be considered, can and should be handled informally. The objective of a system of student discipline is to promote responsible citizenship in a complex organizational or social setting.

Mission Statement

SLCC’s mission is to transform and enrich the lives of individuals and communities. SLCC commits to providing skills and knowledge through a dynamic learning environment where students realize their potential, compete in today’s global economy and perpetuate to solve the complex problems of tomorrow.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

South Louisiana Community College is a learning community designed to foster collaboration, open communication, mutual respect and inclusiveness among students, faculty and staff as they engage in the education process. As members of this community, all students are entitled to certain rights and privileges, which are protected. In order to protect the rights and privileges of all students, there are guidelines for conduct that are intended to facilitate the desired environment and educational goals of SLCC and its students. It is important that each student become familiar with the rights and responsibilities afforded students enrolled at SLCC.

Student Rights

  • The right to participate in self-governing student bodies which provide channels of communication and means for using democratic processes to solve problems.
  • The constitutional rights of freedom of expression and assembly.
  • The right of freedom to hear and participate in dialogue and to examine diverse ideas.
  • The right to a learning environment free from harassment, discrimination, and violence.
  • The right to due process in disciplinary procedures in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The right to privacy under FERPA 
    • All student records generated during the information gathering/decision-making process associated with these procedures are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Student Responsibilities

  • The responsibility of assuming the consequences of one’s actions.
  • The responsibility for knowledge and observance of established college policies presented in official college publications.
  • The responsibility that free discussion represents the scholarly nature of the learning community.
  • The responsibility to ensure that no student organization, constitution, nor other organizational documents include discriminatory clauses.
  • The responsibility to respect the rights and privacy of others.

Misconduct Types

The College has identified certain types of misconduct that is subject to disciplinary sanctions.  These types include, but are not limited to:

  • All forms of student academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, and plagiarism.  This section of the Code is addressed in the College’s Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures.
  • Endangering, threatening, or causing physical harm to any member of the College Community or to oneself, causing reasonable apprehension of such harm or engaging in conduct or communications that a reasonable person would interpret as a serious expression of intent to harm.
  • Violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed for an earlier violation of the Student Code of Conduct or other College rules.
  • Violation of, or attempt to violate, other rules that may be adopted by the College.
  • Impersonation of another, using another person’s identity or furnishing materially false information, including manufacturing or possession of false identification.
  • Initiating, causing, or contributing to any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergencies.
  • Failure to comply with the directions of College officials or agents, including law enforcement or security officers, acting in the good faith performance of their duties. This section is not intended to prohibit the lawful assertion of an individual’s Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
  • Forgery, falsification, fabrication, unauthorized alteration, or misuse of College documents, records, or identification, including, but not limited to, electronic software and records.
  • Unauthorized presence in or unauthorized use of College property, resources, or facilities.
  • Unauthorized access to, disclosure of, or use of any College document, record, or identification, including but not limited to electronic software, data, and records.
  • Interfering with or disrupting College or College-sponsored activities, including but not limited to classroom-related activities, studying, teaching, research, intellectual or creative endeavor, administration, service or the provision of communication, computing or emergency services.
  • Misrepresenting oneself or an organization as an agent of the College.
  • Possession of property the student knows or has reason to believe may be stolen or misappropriated.
  • Misuse, theft, misappropriation, destruction, damage, or unauthorized use, access, or reproduction of property, data, records, equipment or services belonging to the College or belonging to another person or entity.
  • Violation of College rules or applicable laws governing alcohol, including consumption, distribution, unauthorized sale, or possession of alcoholic beverages.+
  • Unauthorized use, sale, possession, or distribution of any controlled substance or illegal drug or possession of drug paraphernalia that would violate the law.
  • Off-campus conduct that a reasonable person would believe may present a risk or danger to the health, safety or security of the College Community or to the safety or security of College property.
  • Gambling as prohibited by applicable law or College policy.
  • Engaging in discriminatory activities, including harassment and retaliation, as prohibited by applicable law or College policy.
  • Interfering with any College disciplinary process, including but not limited to tampering with physical evidence or inducing a witness to provide false information or to withhold information.
  • Sexual misconduct, Students are expected to know and adhere to the sexual misconduct policy. 
  • Use, possession, display, or storage of any weapon, dangerous instrument, explosive material or device, fireworks, bomb-making materials or dangerous chemical on College property, at a College-sponsored activity or in violation of law or College policy.
  • Photographing, videotaping, filming, digitally recording, or by any other means secretly viewing, with or without a device, another person without that person’s content in any location where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, or in a manner that violates a reasonable expectation of privacy. This section does not apply to lawful security or surveillance filming or recording that is authorized by law enforcement or authorized College officials.
  • Commission of any offense prohibited by Louisiana or federal law or local ordinance.
  • Hazing. means an act by an individual or a group that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization, regardless of consent:
    • Endangers the physical health or safety of a person or would cause a reasonable person severe emotional distress;
    • Results in the destruction or removal of public or private property;
    • Involves the consumption of alcohol or drugs;
    • Involves the consumption of substances to excess or placement of substances on the body;
    • Involves sexual activity;
    • Involves violation of federal, state or local law or University policy; or
    • Disrupts the academic performance or class attendance of a person.

It is not a defense to a charge of hazing that (i) the consent of the person had been obtained; (ii) the conduct or activity that resulted in the death or injury of a person was not part of an official organizational event or was not otherwise sanctioned or approved by the organization; or (iii) the conduct or activity that resulted in death or injury of the person was not done as a condition of membership to an organization.

The following is a non-exclusive list of examples of acts which, regardless of severity, constitute hazing:

  • Physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, paddling, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
  • Physical activities, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements or extreme conditions, imprisonment, confinement, or calisthenics;
  • Consumption of food, liquid, or any other substance, including but not limited to alcoholic beverages or drugs, that subjects the person to an unreasonable risk of harm or that may adversely affect the physical health or safety of the person;
  • Placement of substances on the body of a person;
  • Kidnapping or dropping a person off campus without return transportation;
  • Activity that induces, causes, or requires an individual to perform a duty or task that involves the commission of a crime or an act of hazing.
  • Engaging repeated or significant behavior toward another individual, whether in person, in writing, or through electronic means, after having been asked to stop, or doing so to such a degree that a reasonable person, subject to such contact, would regard the contact as unwanted.

Any attempt to commit or conceal an act of misconduct prohibited by these rules is subject to sanctions to the same extent as completed acts.

Disciplinary Process

Incident Report: 

Anyone may file a report alleging that a student or student organization violated the Code of Conduct via the student life webpage. Any report should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place. There is no time limit on reporting violations of the Student Code of Conduct; however, the longer someone waits to report an offense, the harder it becomes for University officials to obtain information and witness statements and to make determinations regarding alleged violations. After a report is received, the Director of Student Engagement or his or her designee will be in contact with you via your SLCC email address. You should read all emails and information thoroughly and follow any instructions or suggestions provided. Choosing to not engage in the process does not eliminate your involvement in the incident and the process may continue to move forward in absentia.  

Interim Suspensions:
  • In the majority of situations, students involved in the disciplinary process will remain as active participants (able to attend classes, participate in activities, etc.) in the College Community pending the determination of an appropriate sanction.
  • In certain circumstances, the Dean of Student Services or designee may impose an interim suspension on a student prior to a judicial conference.  Interim suspensions may be imposed to ensure the safety and well-being of the student or the College Community or the preservation of College property.  Interim suspensions may also be imposed in cases where a student poses a threat of interference or disruption with normal College operations.
  • During a period of interim suspension, a student may not attend classes or participate in College-related activities, whether they occur on or off-campus. A student on interim suspension may not otherwise be present on College premises unless authorized in writing in advance under conditions approved by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Services or designee.


Upon receipt of a report, the Director of Student Engagement may conduct a preliminary investigation to determine if there is a preponderance of evidence to support an alleged violation of the Code and, if so, which violations occurred. During the time of the investigation, if the Director decides the report lacks merit, it will be dismissed within two (2) weeks and the appropriate parties involved will be notified.  If there is enough information to allege a violation of the Code or other university policy, the student conduct process will proceed. 

After the investigation, if it is determined that there is enough information to support an alleged violation of the Code, you will move on to the following resolution options.  

Judicial Conference: 

The informal hearing will be conducted by the Director of Student Engagement and the Director of Security or his or her designee. 

  • An outcome of an informal meeting will be one of the following: 
    • A not responsible finding. 
    • Determination of responsibility and resulting sanctions.


1st Level Appeal 

A student who wishes to request a review of the determination of the Judicial Conference may do so by submitting a written request to the Dean of Student Services. Such requests must be made within fifteen calendar days of a sanction assignment. Determinations or sanctions are considered to be final after the fifteen-day period.

Requests shall be based on one or more of the following grounds:

  • Irregularities in the proceedings, including but not limited to any abuse of discretion or misconduct during the Judicial Conference which has deprived the student of a fair and impartial disciplinary process.
  • Newly discovered material evidence which could not have been presented during the fact-finding or hearing process.
  • Excessive severity of the sanction.
  • The decision is not reasonably justified by the evidence or is contrary to law.
2nd Level Appeal 

A student who wishes to request a review of the determination of the Dean of Students may do so by submitting a written request to the Vice President of Student Services. Such requests must be made within fifteen calendar days of a sanction assignment. Determinations or sanctions are considered to be final after the fifteen-day period.

3rd Level Appeal 

Students who wish to appeal a determination or suspension or dismissal sanction beyond the college may do so by submitting a written request for appeal to the Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System.  Requests for an appeal to the LCTCS Board must be made within thirty calendar days of the date of the decision made at the College.


One or more disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on a student following a Judicial Conference or Appeal Board Hearing. The Vice-Chancellor for Student Services or designee is responsible for determining and imposing the appropriate sanction(s) in all cases.

The following sanctions may be imposed upon students:

  • Warning -an official warning that the student’s behavior is in violation of the South Louisiana Community College Student Code of Conduct.  If a student is found guilty of a Code violation while on warning, sanction(s) resulting from the subsequent violation may be more severe.
  • Probation -restrictive conditions may be imposed for a specified length of time which varies according to the severity of the offense. These conditions may include, but may not be limited to the following: loss of good standing, which may become a matter of record; ineligibility to receive any College award, scholarship, loan, honorary recognition, or initiation into any local or national organizations, and denial of the privilege to occupy a position of leadership or responsibility in any College student organization, publication, or activity, or ability to represent the College in an official capacity or position. While on probation, the student may continue to attend classes and will be given the opportunity to show capability and willingness to behave in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. If a student is found guilty of a Code violation while on probation, sanction(s) resulting from the subsequent violation may be more severe.  Any educational sanctions assigned with probation must be completed prior to the conclusion of the probation; otherwise, the probation will remain in effect.
  • Suspension -a suspension may be imposed for a specified length of time which varies according to the severity of the offense.  During a period of suspension, a student may not attend classes or participate in College-related activities, whether they occur on or off-campus. A student on suspension may not otherwise be present on College premises unless authorized in writing in advance under conditions approved by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Services. Any educational sanctions assigned with a suspension must be completed prior to the conclusion of the suspension; otherwise, the suspension will remain in effect.
  • Expulsion -a dismissal is a permanent separation of the student from the College without the opportunity for the student to graduate or re-enroll in the future.
  • Educational Sanctions -in conjunction with the sanctions listed above, a student may be assigned educational sanction(s).  These may include but are not limited to, College service, community service, reflective or research papers, classes or seminars.
  • Restitution -may be required as compensation for damage, loss, or injury.  Forms of restitution may include appropriate service, monetary compensation, material replacement, or a combination of forms.

The following sanctions may be imposed upon student groups or organizations:

  • Warning
  • Probation
  • Deactivation - the deactivation of a student group or organization includes a loss of all privileges, including College recognition, for a specified period of time.
  • Educational Sanctions
  • Restitution


The student disciplinary process is designed to be confidential. No discussion or disclosure of the specifics of any case with any individual within or outside of the College Community will occur unless such discussion or disclosure is deemed necessary in the determination of guilt or appropriate sanction by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Services, or unless such an action is specifically imposed as part of the sanction for a violation.

Interpretation and Revision:

  • Questions regarding the Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedures are to be directed to the Director of Student Engagement, Campus Directors, and Dean of Student Services who is responsible for issuing interpretations as necessary.
  • The Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedures will be reviewed periodically by the Student Conduct Review Committee. The Student Conduct Review Committee is comprised of the (2) Faculty Members, (2) Staff Members, (2) Student Leaders, and (1) Non-Student Leader, Director of Student Engagement, Ex. Officio.

Student Grievance Procedure

A student grievance refers to non-academic and non-financial complaints of students against employees of South Louisiana Community College. It does not include grade appeals, academic status appeals, admission appeals, student discipline by the institution, financial aid appeals, refund appeals, and all other matters that are within the jurisdiction of other committees of the institution. 

The procedures contained in this memorandum are to be followed for all complaints and/or grievances, as defined above, which are filed against employees of the College. The College is committed to affording all students, including distance education students, the opportunity for accessibility and due process during the student grievance process. To ensure this, at each step of the process an available distance option will be provided when necessary. Please review the policy for full procedures before completing the Student Grievance Form.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all areas of education programs and activities such as admissions, financial aid, housing, facilities, scholastic, intercollegiate, club, and intramural athletics.

Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual violence and sexual assault, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. SLCC is committed to ensuring all students feel safe and have the opportunity to benefit fully from education programs and activities.

SLCC has adopted policies and procedures to be in compliance with the federal and state requirements related to the Title IX Act, the VAWA Act, and the SaVE Act. The college has also adopted a Sexual Misconduct Policy.

If the college is notified of sexual harassment or violence, we will:

  • Take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate the incident
  • Take prompt action to end the harassment and resolve the situation
  • Take appropriate steps to prevent recurrence of future incidents

To learn more about Title IX at SLCC or to contact a Title IX representative, Please visit our webpage.

Field Trips

Field trips sponsored by SLCC complement classroom instruction and are considered an important part of the educational process. While the College endorses the field trip concept, it also stresses the importance of students performing all classwork in a timely manner. If a student has to miss other classes in order to participate in a field trip, it is the student’s responsibility to make up all work covered during this absence.

“Field trip,” as used in this context, includes all events organized by a staff or faculty member in which South Louisiana Community College students are taken off campus to participate in instructional or cultural activities which are directly related to their course of study.  Safety is emphasized at all times during field trips, in going to and from, and while touring the facility visited. Proper instruction must be provided to the class prior to departure.

  1. Faculty and staff must complete the request for field trip form and submit it prior to the scheduled event. Approval must be obtained prior to making arrangements for the trip.  Overnight field trips require special approval of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and must be submitted two weeks in advance.
  2. Upon approval, each student must sign a waiver of liability. 
  3. Signed waivers and the approved field trip request must be submitted to the Divisional Dean before the scheduled event.
  4. Copies of the waiver and approval must accompany the faculty or staff member to the event.

Identification Cards

All students are required to obtain College identification cards. Students should contact Security and provide a current class schedule and a photo ID to obtain a Student Identification Card. The issuance of an ID card is a part of the registration process. There is no cost for ID cards, however, fees must be paid in full before the ID card will be issued. ID must be shown when requested by college staff. Identification cards are non-transferable and students who misuse these cards are subject to disciplinary action. If an identification card is lost, it must be reported and replaced.

Student E-mail Addresses

South Louisiana Community College’s official communication method to students is through SLCC e-mail addresses. Students are assigned e-mail addresses once admitted to SLCC. Official communications concerning the student or the student communicating with the college should occur using this e-mail address only. The College reserves the right to not communicate or respond to alternative e-mail addresses. Students are therefore encouraged, and reminded, it is their responsibility to check their SLCC e-mail account daily for announcements, communications or advice during emergencies.

Students who have questions regarding SLCC e-mail may contact the IT Helpdesk at itsupport@solacc.edu

Information Technology

South Louisiana Community College expects all individuals to use information and information technology responsibly

South Louisiana Community College provides computer services for students. SLCC computer use is governed by the SLCC Computer Usage Policies. SLCC Computer Usage Policies apply to everyone who has an account through the college. Students may access and submit a request for new accounts by contacting the SLCC Helpdesk. Students are expected to be professional and ethical and demonstrate good judgment when using SLCC technological resources.


Equipment/Services are the property of the state of Louisiana and are to be used for legitimate college purposes only. Equipment and services include and is not limited to all computer hardware (CPU’s; monitors; keyboards; mice; printers. Routers; wireless access points), Internet/Intranet services, e-mail, and other online services.


No obscenities, vulgarities, materials with sexual content; racial, age, disability, ethnic, or gender-oriented communications; or defamatory and/or derogatory information are to be transmitted, received, printed, or stored. A recipient of improper (discriminating, harassing, obscene, defamatory, or derogatory) communications should immediately lodge a complaint with the Vice Chancellor of Student Services as a matter of student misconduct.

Privacy and Security

Access to SLCC information and information technology is granted to an individual and may not be transferred to another individual. All forms of recorded information, whether it be electronic, oral, visual and regardless of the media shall be safeguarded. SLCC expects individuals to use information technology in a manner consistent with maintaining professionalism and respect in regards to the work and study in all its forms.

All users must ensure the privacy of any and all information. This is especially important in the case of any personal information. SLCC has the right to view personal files and to remove personal file found in violation of this policy.


Student use of the internet/intranet, e-mail, or other online communications and the materials stored on any SLCC computer, including computer hard drives and other media, is not private. The policy extends to anything created, received, printed, or sent. All materials stored on SLCC computers, on any media and stored electronic documents, such as e-mail transmissions, are subject to review, for cause, at any time by IT supervisory personnel.


Information Technology’s network personnel track usage and periodically review equipment for patterns of abuse. Any discrepancies are brought to the attention of the Dean of the appropriate Division. Abuses include all use of Intranet access, email, or other online services that are unrelated to legitimate college purposes. Access to chat sites and adult sites that offer access to sexual/pornographic materials, hate information, or racially or ethnically offensive materials is strictly prohibited.

Copyrighted/Patented Materials

Certain online information is copyrighted or patented, including texts, pictures, videos, and sounds. Students are not allowed to duplicate or download any software or materials that are copyrighted, patented, or identified as intellectual property. This policy is used in conjunction with all other policies related to the use of computer equipment, software, and computer-related services.

Enforcement and Penalties for Violation

Any student, who violates any provision of this policy or other related SLCC policies, or applicable city, state, or federal laws or regulations, can face sanctions or expulsion from SLCC, depending on the severity of the offense.


SLCC provides no guarantees for availability and may discontinue services at any time. Student accounts and drives are purged after each semester. By accessing SLCC resources you agree to the terms of this Policy and that the SLCC, its staff, and officers shall not be liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this service. All security issues should be immediately reported to the Information Technology Director.


SLCC reserves the right to review and change the policy regarding the use of IT services at any time and to notify the user by posting an updated version of the agreement to the SLCC website. The student is responsible for regularly reviewing SLCC policies. Continued use of the Service after any such changes shall constitute consent to such changes. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

FERPA-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law which states (A) that a written institutional policy must be established and (B) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records. In accordance with the above act, students enrolled at SLCC are hereby notified of their rights of access to their official records as described in the act.

A student desiring access to his/her education records shall make a request in writing to the appropriate office: permanent academic records or admission records, would make the request to the Registrar; personnel records and financial records, would make the request to the Vice Chancellor of Administration/Finance; other academic records, would make the request to the Dean of Instruction.

Anyone is permitted access to a student’s education records with prior written consent from the student. Parents are permitted access without written consent only if that student is a dependent.

Under the provision of the act, certain information concerning the student is designated as directory information and may be released by the College unless the student has informed the College that such information should not be released. Directory information includes: the student’s name, address(es), telephone number(s), date and place of birth, dates of enrollment, college or school, classification, major degree(s) earned, academic awards and honors, participation in officially recognized activities, and the most recently attended education agency or school. Any person who wishes any or all of the listed information not released must complete the appropriate form each semester in the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the first week of classes.

The college may release personally identifiable information from the education records of a student to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals.

If further information is desired, contact the Office of the Registrar. South Louisiana Community College has designated the following as directory information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Students College E-mail address
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Academic awards and honors received
  • Dates of attendance
  • Enrollment Status
  • Major or department
  • Classification
  • Degree(s) earned
  • Participation in officially recognized activities

Drug-Free Campus Policy

South Louisiana Community College is committed to maintaining a drug-free facility for all students and employees. SLCC complies with all federal and state laws which prohibit the abuse of drugs, including alcohol, on campus or at any activity sanctioned by the college. It is unlawful to possess, use, or distribute illicit drugs on SLCC’s property or at any college-sponsored event whether or not the event is conducted on campus. SLCC is a drug and alcohol-free zone under Louisiana Law and will not shield any student, employee, or visitor from action by civil authorities. The Office of Student Services provides counseling, referral services, and other assistance to students, faculty, and staff who seek help with substance abuse problems.

Weapons Free Campus

South Louisiana Community College prohibits unauthorized possession of weapons as defined by state law and College policy. Any student found in violation of this policy will be suspended, expelled, or barred from the College, in addition to any and all other applicable penalties.

Campus Safety and Security

SLCC’s Safety and Security Department is charged with the responsibility for on-campus security, safety, law enforcement, emergency services, traffic, and parking. SLCC secures its property and the safety of its students and personnel through security guards provided through the private sector. The SLCC Safety and Security Department will investigate all criminal activity and incidents committed on SLCC property. The department is located in the Devalcourt Building at the Lafayette Campus, or in the main office at each corresponding SLCC campus. All offices operate on a schedule that encompasses college operating hours. If assistance is needed, please contact the office at (337) 521.8914. Officials from area law enforcement agencies are also available for assistance on a 24-hour basis.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

The SLCC Department of Public Safety complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics. This Act requires colleges/universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. SLCC posts campus crime statistics in general public areas. Students, employees, and others can obtain a copy of the campus crime statistics by contacting the SLCC Office of Public Safety in Room 140 of the Lafayette campus at 320 Devalcourt, or by visiting http://ope.ed.gov/security/ Enter “South Louisiana Community College” to receive a listing of all campuses.


South Louisiana Community College has the responsibility of regulating vehicular traffic on all of its campuses and sites. The College also is responsible for ensuring that all motor vehicles and bicycles used on campus follow college guidelines for orderly and safe operation.

Starting fall 2018, everyone who parks on campus, including visitors, must register each vehicle with the Office of Safety and Security.  All vehicles parked on any SLCC campus/site, at any time, must properly display a valid parking tag/decal/permit. The tag/decal/permit and its tag number must be clearly visible. 

The Lafayette campus parking lots are identified by signs, Student and Faculty/Staff have assigned parking. Some parking lots are shared by Students and Faculty/Staff.

Anyone operating a vehicle outside of College guidelines may be issued a warning or citation by campus security. Warnings/Citations will be issued to those who:

  • Park in areas that are assigned for specific needs (e.g. visitor parking, disabled, reserved, and parking with cones in place)
  • Do not follow the basic rules of parking (eg. parking in wrong area, failure to display parking tag/decal/permit, parking in driveways, grass areas, or near the loading dock.)

Parking Rules, Map, and further information are available through the Office of Safety and Security.

Smoke-free Buildings, Campuses, and Facilities

In accordance with Louisiana No. 211 of the 2013 regular session, SLCC seeks to provide a safe, healthy, pleasant environment for its faculty, staff students, and visitors. To this end, SLCC maintains by policy and practice, a tobacco and tobacco product free environment. The college will classify electronic delivery devices (ex. E-cigarettes, vape pens, vaporizers, mechanical mods, etc.) in the same manner as traditional tobacco products. Signage is present throughout SLCC facilities clearly indicating that all buildings and outdoor areas are smoke free. Use of tobacco and all tobacco products is prohibited in all indoor facilities and outdoor areas and within all state-owned vehicles. Smoking is prohibited anywhere on campus and this policy extends to all faculty, staff, students guests and visitors to SLCC.

Lost and Found

SLCC’s Campus Security coordinates Lost & Found. Lost & Found items can be turned in or picked up at corresponding SLCC Campus Security offices, or contact the appropriate Campus Coordinator in the main office at each of the College sites. Additionally, on the Lafayette campus, please check with the library.

Minors on Campus

The College seeks to provide an environment that is conducive to study and work. Parents who bring minors on campus must recognize this and ensure that there is no disruption to others caused by minors. Students may bring minors on campus if they are under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian at all times, with the exception of College-sponsored childcare centers, minors who are enrolled in SLCC courses, or other approved activities. A minor should not be allowed to attend class but may be provided an exception with the permission of the instructor.

The College has health and safety obligations to staff, students, and visitors. Minors cannot be allowed in areas, such as labs or workshop areas, where there may be unreasonable health and safety risks. Therefore, a minor’s access to some areas will be restricted for safety reasons.

The College reserves the right to direct that a minor is removed from campus where the presence of the minor is causing an unacceptable health and/or safety risk.